- He lives by slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- He live by slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- He lives on the a slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- He lives by slender earning. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- He lives by a strict moral code. 他按照严格的道德准则生活。
- He lives by the sea, a summer mecca. 他住在海边,是个避暑胜地。
- Eg.How does he make a living? He lives by writing. 他怎样谋生呢?他以写作为生。
- He lives by himself in the woods. 他独自住在森林里。
- He lives by trapping animals and selling their fur. 他靠捕猎动物,出售它们的毛皮为生。
- He lives by trapping animals and selling their fur . 他靠捕猎动物,出售它们的毛皮为生。
- He is a professional artist; he lives by selling his pictures. 他是一个职业画家,他以卖画为生。
- He lives on slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- Man lives by habit indeed, but what he lives for is thrills and excitement. 人确实是按习惯生活,但他生活的目的却是为了获得激动和兴奋。
- They live by a slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- He live with slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- He live on a slender income. 他靠微薄的收入生活。
- A professional athlete built a palatial eight-bedroom home where he lives by himself. 有位职业运动员,造了一所富丽堂皇的房子,却独自居住。
- He lives all by himself in that large house. 他独自一人住在那所大房子里。
- He wroth off a dirty kind of life by killing himself. 他以自杀结束了他那肮脏的一生。
- He tried to live by writing, but it did not provide a good enough income. 他试图以写作为生,但写作的收入实在不够。